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The Abundance Amplifier is The First

“Music Festival Mastermind”

That Blends Biohacking, Business and Breakthroughs

Discover Why Last Year 20+ Top Leaders in Our Industry
Came Together For 4 Days to Re-Imagine The Future Of Health, Biohacking, Business, AI, Wealth Creation, Relationships & Community Building (Last Year's Speaker Lineup Below)

Dave Asprey

Danger Coffee and 40 Years of Zen

Annie Lalla

Annie Lalla Love Coaching

Yanik Silver

Maverick1000 & Cosmic Vision

Amber Spears

Four Rooms Mastermind

Jesse Elder

TimePiercer Productions

Jenna Phillips BALLARD

Ascension Leadership Academy

Glen Ledwell

Flight Club


Vision Driven


The Brave Table Podcast



Joe Stolte


Liz Germain


Gerald Rogers

The Power of The Mind Guy


Signature Soul Brand

Dmitriy Kozlov


Kimi Inch

&More | Intimacy Coach

Shannon Graham


Kimmy Seltzer

Charisma Quotient

Wesley King

Human Performance Fund Coherent Capital

Theresa Depasquale

Capture Social Group

Kevin White

Consult Milestone

Regan Archibald

East West Health

Amy Yamada

ChatGPT Heart Speech Model

Kai Van Bodhi

Pathway of Power

Rey perez

AMP Your Brand

Skip kelly


Alex Moscow

Creator of Abundance Amplifier HOST

Featuring 10+ World-Class “Entrepreneurial Artists” & Performers

These 4 Days Are Designed To
Help You Find Your #1 Biggest

"Abundance Amplifier"

AKA: The ONE Big Domino to Focus On That Will  Elevate The Abundance In Every Area of Your Life

Here’s What You’ll Experience…

High-Level Trainings & Uniquely Curated Experiences To Expand Your Abundance In EVERY Area of Your Life

You will have access to the best trainers, coaches & facilitators and experience creators on the planet to create ABUNDANCE in every area of your life. Most of them will be creating specialized trainings specifically for this high-level group. These will include having access to what’s behind the scenes and has NOT been launched to the public (some may never be public.) 

High-Caliber Connections You Wouldn’t Get Anywhere Else
(Without Paying $25K+ to Join The Group)

Connect with Epic Humans That Align
With Your Values & Expand Your Vision

This is a pre–vetted group of incredible entrepreneurs and leaders
who are committed to leading their industries – biohacking / peak performance, artists / performers, experts / thought leaders, psychedelics, coaches, e-commerce, love & intimacy, etc. 

This will be a community of some of the most inspirational, impact-driven and FUN humans you’ll ever meet. 

Our “connection concierge” will also hand select the most important people for you to meet when you arrive and even set you up to connect with them over a meal. 

Rejuvenate Your Spirit with the Perfect Balance Of Nature, Comfort, Luxury, & Fun

No stuffy seminar rooms this week. We believe getting you out in nature plays a crucial role in helping you connect to your vision and the rest of the community.

You’ll get to enjoy epic shaded stages ranging everywhere from – near the peninsula, lakeside and even a waterpark takeover! You’ll also get to go back to your beautifully designed suite when you’re ready to rest
(NO camping here).

Enjoy & Celebrate Each Night With Mind Blowing Art, Music, & Parties With Amazing Humans, DJs, & Musicians

Bring your dancing shoes, possibly every pair you own. Music is a part of our human DNA and the musical performances may even bring you closer to God than your last medicine ceremony.

You’ll get to experience some of the most talented DJs, spoken word
artists, musicians, loopers, conscious hip hop wizards. If you’re not satisfied with the sound systems and lasers you can have a full refund on night one.

Delivered In An Intentionally Architected
3.5-Day Experience For Leaders…


The first evening is all about amplifying and crystalizing your vision with workshops and events to help you “taste” your 3-year vision and know exactly how to communicate it.

You’ll go through the full Vision Amplifier Experience – a combination of guided breathwork, science based visualization, and an intentionally architected musical experience that I DJ live.

We’ll end the evening with a delicious and nourishing dinner where I hand curate each seat (based upon your application).

We'll close the night with a special Cosmic Vision experience lead by Yanik Silver.


Day 1 is all about Love & Leadership. What’s the point of success if you can’t ENJOY the fruits of your labor & share your life with a soulmate, community, and chosen family?
You can expect dynamic workshops designed to increase your capacity, integrity, and vision-led self. Then, experiential therapy sessions led by world-class relationship experts I’ve personally worked with. (There will be curated options whether you’re single or partnered.)

And of course, you’re cordially invited to a late-night party to celebrate and integrate the day.

Night 1 Party: Love Groove

Night’s one party is designed for you to embody your Vision Self, the version of you in the future that has created your dream life in every area.All DJ’s and Musicians will be curating special LOVE focused sets to blast your heart, mind, and spirit into another dimension.  

All parties will have alcohol and alcohol alternatives available. 

Suggested Attire:  ALL WHITE and NEON.
Think if an All White Party and a High-End
Warehouse Rave had a baby. Take the first thing
that comes into your mind…wear that 🙂

Day 2:

Day 2 is all about Health & Wealth. Are you ready to breathe some LONGEVITY into your life…and anchor your commitment to long-term thriving?

Learn from entrepreneurs and investors who are masters of creating legacy-level wealth. 

Then, sit in session with doctors, healers, and biohackers who are at the forefront of vitality research. This is one of our most experiential days – Think: IVs, bodywork, qi gong, biohacking products, and all things peak performance.We’ll end the night with a secret community building activity to celebrate the day. 

For those who are called to adventure deeper, I will be hosting s very special “After Hours with Alex Party” on one of the most tantalizing Burning Man Art Installations.  The musical journey will be from 12am – 3am…and yes, THERE WILL BE LASERS.


This is where my full focus is for 2023 and beyond…are you ready to lean in with me, step into your next level of leadership, and expand your community impact?

Start with curated intros & opportunities to find aligned connections with other attendees.Then, I’m bringing in long-time community builders that I look up to (people who’ve led industry-shaping communities for 10+ years) for an open panel.

They’ll share the TRUTH of mastering facilitation, showing up as leaders, being the “go-to” in their industry, guiding their communities through seasons of uncertainty, etc.

We’ll have an epic closing ceremony over dinner and head into a night of creativity & celebration. There’ll be musical performances, spoken word artists, and DJ sets to dance the night away.


All you have to do is get here.
We take care of the rest so you can have a true VIP Experience.


Phase 1: July 1 - August 30


Phase 2: September 1 - November 30


Phase 3: December 1 - March 31


4 Nights
in a Suite
Delicious &
Nourishing Meals
Every Day
Access to
All Parties
Access to All
Workshops /

Are You
Looking For Us?

If you’re a growth-minded leader or entrepreneur, it’s no secret to you that
the world needs a new paradigm of leadership.

Hustle culture is dying,
most leaders are burnt out,
and people are asking -
How do we create what's next?

The Abundance Amplifier Community is committed to answering that question.

Tell me if this sounds like you…



We believe that…

Abundance isn't just measured by your bank account

True abundance is in your health, your relationships, your creativity, your spirituality, and how connected you are to the world around you.

We are committed to creating abundance in all areas of our individual lives, and supporting each other in creating that as well.

Leaders need to be supported as much as they support others

The world is starving for authentic leadership right now. As leaders, we are have a responsibility to collaborate on shaping the future culture and are dedicated to transforming the status quo.

At the same time, being a leader means knowing when to lean on others. We also have unique problems that most people don’t understand, and we need to surround ourselves with people who get it.

Great is the enemy of mind-blowing

Great is, you know … great. And we’ve each worked incredibly hard to achieve greatness in our individual arenas. But we also recognize when great is holding us back to what could be truly mind-blowing.

We are committed to continuously questioning what’s great in our lives, assessing how it could be mind-blowing, and going after it with inspired action.

Self expression and creativity are the keys

Self-expression is one of the most important keys to a life of joy and freedom. Yet, communities where leaders feel safe and are encouraged to be fully expressed are truly rare.

We are dedicated to creating a space where everyone’s uniqueness, creativity and growth is celebrated. We know that embodying the most expressed version of ourselves is critical to leading and setting an example for our communities, platforms, and businesses.

Nourishment and longevity is the new hustle

Working your ass off to get a result is a great skill. It’s also unsustainable and a recipe for burn out.

We prioritize disconnecting from technology and reconnecting to the earth and our body. We know true peak performance comes from the quality of what we feed our mind, body and soul.

But most of all…


Celebrated through music, food, and art; experiences, dances, and conversations; and adventures, relationships, and the natural world. Because when we celebrate the little things, the big things come into focus and life becomes the joyful experience that it’s meant to be.
If you agree with all of the above, we’d love
to invite you to Abundance Amplifier

This is not for you if...

You’re coming just to “network”
with successful entrepreneurs,
artists or industry leaders
You’re not open to being
real, raw, and vulnerable
and willing to have deep
You think success is
only defined by what’s
in your bank account,
not how satisfied you are
in your life
You spend more time
in “processing
conversations” than
you do in making an
You’re not willing to
look at your own deep
sh*t in service of
becoming a better
leader and human
You’ve never done any kind
of personal growth or
transformation before
You’re unable to unplug and
want to make this a working



You are excited about the possibility of
creating real, open connections with other epic
leaders, artists and entrepreneurs

You’re already successful and you
have no need to prove it to anyone

You know that money is not the only measure of success and you want to create awesomeness in every area of your life
You’re no stranger to personal growth and you’re ready to go “all-in” on your next level of leadership in this new container
You know you need to truly take a break to recharge and get new creative inspiration for what’s next
You love the idea of hanging out in nature with awesome food, awesome people and awesome music


All you have to do is get here.
We take care of all the rest.
We want you to have A VIP Experience.

Phase 1: July & Aug – $7500 | Phase 2: Sept – Nov – $8500  |  Phase 3: Dec – March: $10,000

4 Nights
in a Suite
Delicious &
Nourishing Meals
Every Day
Access to
All Parties
Access to All
Workshops /

Last Year's Beautiful
Lakeside Venue

I searched every week for 11 months to find this venue. We have a ton of space out in nature and our inside stage has 22’ floor to ceiling windows that overlook the lake.

Last Year's Accommodations

Almost half of the event will take place outside in nature.  After you’ve had a mind and soul expanding day, you get to go back to beautiful accommodations.

Balcony Suites

Lakeside Cottages

Our Main Stage

I am ECSTATIC to announce that we will be featuring The Fractal Droid Collectives 2022 Burning Man Art Installation as the main focus for our main stage.

This is a Mastermind Music Festival, so we will be building this into our stage design and adding video walls on each side to integrate all presentations and workshops.

Oh, and there will be world class audio…and LASERS. LOTS of lasers.


The Story of What Had Me
Create This Event & Movement:

I’ve been an entrepreneur for the past 11 years and LOVE going to live events.

My favorite part about events was the amazing people I met.

There’s something special that happens when you get a group of like-minded, amazing humans together with the intention to GROW.

There’s something special that happens when you get a group of amazing humans together who are all committed to playing ALL OUT in life.

I went to “high-level” business masterminds in windowless seminar rooms, 
music festivals waaaay out in the desert, personal and spiritual growth 
retreats all over the world.

There were some that were great, some that weren’t.

But none of them truly encapsulated what I was looking for – a single event designed 
to support leaders to truly ENJOY the success they’ve worked so hard for.

To build profitable businesses AND have impeccable health.

To do deep, transformative work AND to have FUN and dance their asses off.

To expand their network AND create a real community they can count on.

I searched for it everywhere.
I realized I couldn’t wait for anyone else to create it. So I decided to create it myself.

This isn’t just a
This isn’t just a
music and arts

It’s an experience to STRETCH what you
believe to be possible in ALL areas of your life...
and have a fuck ton of fun in the process.

The Abundance Amplifier Experience is a 3.5-day live event where you will...

Move in the mornings with yoga, functional movement trainings and live DJ'd breathwork experiences.

Nourish your body with delicious, farm-to-table meals, dance workshops and hot / cold therapy.

Expand your mind with value-packed workshops and experiences from the best experts in the world in fields like biohacking, peak performance, wealth creation, love and relationships, and more.

Dance the night away to epic musical performances. Everything from conscious hip hop, to sacred sound healings, to late-night DJ sets that may even connect you to God more than your last medicine ceremony.

These experiences are amplified by a tribe of peers
who are all playing big in this game of life.

Humans are designed to


This is what Abundance Amplifier is all about.


We’ll be staying at a beautiful resort on the shores of Lake Conroe in Houston.

This event is all-inclusive, so your accommodations and lodging and food are all included in your ticket.. Every guest will have a beautiful suite — with a private bedroom, private bathroom, and living room area.

(note: If you’ve seen the incredible teaser video, you’re seeing footage from the “beta version” of Abundance Amplifier, where we were camping. Super fun! But for this event, the vibe will be way more luxurious.)

This event is intentionally architected from the beginning-to-end.. so I’m asking that all guests prioritize being there for the full 3.5 days. Almost all of the speakers & performing artists will be there the whole time!

If you absolutely can’t make the opening ceremony (April 19 at 5pm) or have to leave during the day on April 22, you can still attend.

This event is designed to help you recharge, with community, creativity, and fun — and my vision is for every guest to leave feeling lit up & refreshed.

There will NOT be back-to-back-to-back seminars, rushed meals, or tons of “forced” activities. We’ll have long lunches (up to 2+ hours), with plenty of space for open conversations, and optional morning movement practices & nightly parties that you can opt out of (as desired).

You get to “choose your own adventure” at Abundance Amplifier. 🙂

Stay up till midnight dancing or retire to your suite to relax solo! You can join us for early breathwork or sleep in (if you want). Eat lunch with a big group or connect with someone one-on-one! It’s all up to you.

Abundance Amplifier is all-inclusive, with really delicious and nourishing food. We work personally with the chef to cater each meal, and yes – we will do our very best to accommodate all your unique gluten, dairy, GMO, nightshade, CALORIE – free requests 😉

For example – We’ll have mold-free coffee with optional healthy fat additives.

Our evenings have been exquisitely curated with world-class parties and performers.

Our intention is to FUEL your body, mind, and spirit (during the day) so you are (fully charged up and rejuvenated as we transition into the night, celebrating with all the new deep rich and amazing new connections you’ll be making.

So many people have shared this! And MANY of the leaders who are already coming have shared that they’re using Abundance Amplifier as a space to unplug, recharge, and create momentum for what’s coming next.

My intention is for the event to fuel & energize you — not deplete you in any way.

I invite you to use this as an opportunity to uplevel your leadership and create a “yes, both and” kind of life

Where you can take 3.5 days to connect with some of the most badass leaders in our industry, AND still crush whatever epic launch and promotion you’re working on.

This is for LEADERS. And my vision is to bring together leaders from all different spheres — for a week of collaboration, inspiration, and visioning.

So of course there will be lots of founders & entrepreneurs at the event. But there will also be investors, creatives, performers, consultants, and executives.

A theme we’ve also noticed of the attendees so far is a lot of people are in will also be a lot of people in a season of transition (from entrepreneur to investor, or from personal brand to partnership, etc.).


Enter your details below to start
the application process: